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Paul Riddick from Ward 4 said Chinese restaurants "have been making money hand over fist," "don't give back," and COVID-19 aid would better serve black businesses.



据美国媒体13 News Now报道,当地时间6月2日,弗吉尼亚州诺福克市市议会就如何开展新冠疫情救助计划进行了讨论,他们打算给每一家受到影响的华人商户和拉美商户提供补贴。

诺福克临时发展主管贾里德·乔克(Jared Chalk) 说:“有一次我在外打电话时,亲眼看到切萨皮克一家中餐馆被袭击了。”“我们开了员工会议,决定给诺福克的每一家中餐馆打电话,确保他们知道我们将为他们提供一些帮助。”

As we were doing our outreach calls, there was a business in Chesapeake, a Chinese restaurant that was targeted," Chalk said. "We had our staff meeting and we decided that day, we were going to call every Chinese restaurant in Norfolk, and make sure that they know that we're here to help them.

然而,这个提议遭到了非裔议员保罗·里迪克(Paul Riddick)的质疑。“为什么要联系中餐馆的老板?华人不需要任何钱了,他们已经赚了很多钱,现在也还在赚很多钱”,里迪克说道,“而且华人商户从来不雇佣黑人,也从来不回馈社区。”

"Jared was talking about calling every Chinese restaurant in Norfolk? Chinese [restaurants] don't need any money," he said. "They're making money hand over fist, and they always have been. They don't hire blacks, and they don't give anything back to the community."

据弗吉尼亚州诺福克市本地电视台“WVEC-TV”报道,当时一名叫汤米·史密吉尔(Tommy Smigiel)的议员立刻表示反对,称自己有两名华人学生,家里就是开餐馆的,他们受疫情影响很严重,理应得到帮助。

During the city council meeting Councilman Tommy Smigiel responded by saying "Mr.Riddick, I'm really upset with your comments that you made about Chinese families."

Smigiel told his own story about hard-working Chinese business owners."I have two Chinese students whose parents own Chinese restaurants in Norfolk that had to shut down their business because of comments our president made, and the racial threats they received at their restaurants," he said.


"And you wonder why blacks burn down these cities, it's because we are in a position to help and we don't do anything, and this is what happens in Norfolk. We don't do anything to help the small black business," he said.

"It has nothing to do with prejudice. It only has to do with one thing, is that Chinese have made a lot of money enough at any majority of that money they've made off of black folks."

汤米·史密吉尔(Tommy Smigiel)议员告诫里迪克,贬低任何一种文化都是不公平的,尤其是现在这个阶段,不要贬低任何一个群体。

Smigiel cautioned Riddick about "putting down" any group of people in the city during this time.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Riddick. I know what you are saying about our black community…but I don't believe that was fair for your judgment on our Chinese community in Norfolk, and I would be very careful of putting down any cultures in our city of Norfolk at this time."


"If I said that, I did not mean it to sound racist, but as I look back at it, it does sound racist… but Chinese restaurants don't need any money… I apologize if it sounds like that. It sounds racist, and as I think about it, it probably did sound racist," he said.






议员里迪克应该为自己说这样的种族主义胡话而感到羞耻。你们本质上是在大声呼吁种族公正,同时又在贬低其他少数群体! #伪善 #为保罗?里迪克感到羞耻 #立马道歉。


真的吗? 他是谁?黑人版的特朗普?中国人工作很努力,并且他们为他们所在的社区缴纳了他们应该缴纳的税款。


